Woman has radiant skin after using conture

How to Achieve Radiant Skin

The age-old question — no pun intended — that every woman wants to know: how do you achieve radiant-looking skin? It’s really a lot easier (and definitely cheaper) than you think.

Just follow these simple steps to ensure your skin glows as bright and radiant as it did 20 years ago.

Exfoliate – set a reminder on your phone if you have to, but it’s key to vibrant and glowing skin. As we blogged about a few months ago, exfoliating is a huge key to ultimate skincare. The most vital function is that it removes dead skin, which is the main culprit in dull-looking skin, but it also reduces discoloration and pigmentation along with fine lines and wrinkles. No one wants dull and discolored skin, right? Exfoliating also speeds up skin cell renewal, which means you’ll get that fresh new, bright skin faster.

Drink lots of water. Especially during the holidays, or flu season, or when you’re on tight deadlines at work and working extra-long hours. During those times, it’s important to drink more water than you think you need to. It will do wonders for your overall health and most definitely your skin. At the minimum, you should drink half of your body weight in ounces of water each day. (So, if you weigh 120 pounds, you should drink 60 ounces of water.) Ideally, though, you should drink a gallon of water, or 128 ounces, every day. It sounds like a lot, but you’ll eventually get used to it. And, your skin — and the rest of your body — will thank you.

Woman's Skin Glows after using Conture

Take your makeup off, every single night. Even those nights when you are too tired to breathe take a few minutes and remove your makeup. Otherwise it will dull your skin and cause breakouts, which is the opposite of radiant-looking skin. If you’re too tired to go through the sometimes lengthy de-makeup routine, just invest in some makeup remover wipes. A couple of swipes and your skin is clean and ready for bed!

Add moisturizer or a crème every morning and every night. A good night crème will help your skin recover while you sleep, actively working to moisturize and repair the day’s damage. For a morning moisturizer, you’ll want something light that will hydrate your skin without making it feel or look greasy. Our Kinetic AM Ignition Lotion fits the bill, reduces the signs of aging and is perfect for all skin types.

Add Conture to your current beauty regime. Just once or twice a day (15 minutes tops each time), implement the breakthrough anti-aging device into your beauty routine. Conture uses a unique combination of Isometric Compression that gently lifts and releases skin while Low Frequency Vibrations stimulate skin, so it’s not painful or invasive and easy to use at home, without the cost and hassle of a med spa.

Radiant-looking skin really is that simple to achieve. Your skin is an organ, and just as you monitor your other organs (like your heart or liver), keeping an eye on it and making sure you are taking care of yourself – even with something as simple as water intake – is key to keeping your skin remaining beautiful and young-looking.

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20 Super Foods for Super Skin

Whether you want brighter, firmer, younger or more even skin, the right products and a good diet can help you get there. We’ve discussed how to drink your way to better skin, but now we’ll take a look at all the foods that benefit skin, and why they’re so super.

This king fish goes at the very top of the list because it’s so good in so many ways. Broiled, baked and grilled, yes, but also because it’s good for your skin, your eyes, your heart and your diet. Salmon is a reliable source of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce inflammation. Inflammation not only causes digestive discomfort, but also contributes to a harsher skin appearance. While the omega-3s are battling the aging process by combating inflammation, they’re also allowing cells to hold more moisture—which results in softer, less blotchy skin—and the fish’s vitamin D helps produces compounds that protect against skin infections. Win-win-win!

When looking for a fruit high in vitamin C, skip the orange and head straight for the brown. Kiwis pack almost 120 percent of your daily requirement of vitamin C in every single furry fruit! A report in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition proved that higher intakes of the nutrient were associated with less dryness and less noticeable wrinkles. Vitamin C stimulates collagen synthesis, which smooths fine lines and keeps skin taught.

Flaxseed Oil
Make this your go-to superfood if you’re battling red or dry skin. Flax is abundant in alpha-linolenic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid that may help skin retain moisture, limiting roughness and dryness. The British Journal of Nutrition published an investigation that determined that flaxseed oil consumption can reduce skin reddening. Try drizzling it on top of your favorite yogurt snack. Which brings us to …

While dairy can be a main cause of inflammation, Greek yogurt can be pretty beneficial to any diet. The protein found in yogurt—which helps skin become firmer and more resistant to lines—is often doubled in the Greek variety. All it takes is a single serving a day to to smooth your complexion.

Brazil Nuts
This giant-sized nut is an excellent source of selenium. According to research from scientists in Australia, blood with high levels of the mineral were associated with a 60 percent decrease in skin cancer incidents. It’s believed that selenium works as an antioxidant, protecting against skin damage caused by exposure to the sun.

Butternut Squash
This fall and winter staple gourd is a good source of carotenoids, powerful antioxidants that may improve skin tone by reducing skin cell damage, resulting in more luminous skin.


A 2008 UK study found that people who ate 5 tablespoons of tomato paste daily (along with almost a tablespoon of olive oil) for 12 weeks had 33 percent more protection from sunburn than a control group that only had olive oil. Cooked, processed tomatoes contain higher levels of lycopene which improves skin’s natural SPF. (This is not a substitute for applying sunscreen every day!)

Olive Oil
Start using this as a butter substitute as soon as possible! A 2012 study in PLOS ONE found that women who consumed at least two teaspoons a day of olive oil showed 31% fewer signs of aging, compared with women who had only one teaspoon. The study also tested sunflower and peanut oils, but they paled in comparison; about 75 percent of the fat in olive oil is monounsaturated fatty acids, which may assist with a youthful appearance. Also, the antioxidant polyphenols in olive oil could fight damaging free radicals. Need more reasons? How about …

Dark Chocolate
While milk and white chocolates can cause inflammation, dark chocolate is rich in cocoa flavanols, which help hydrate skin and improve circulation. In a study, women who consumed 3.5 ounces of dark chocolate a day for 12 weeks experienced less skin roughness and scaliness. But, that’s a lot of calories. Consuming just one ounce daily can help you get the benefits without gaining weight.
Disgusting as it may be, it’s one of the best sources of lutein and zeaxanthin. These nutrients absorb and neutralize UV-created free radicals, even those that pass through sunscreen and reach your skin. Just one cup a day can give you more than 130 percent of your daily requirements for skin-firming vitamins A and C.

Orange Peel
People who eat fruit peelings (like orange peel or lemon zest) have 33 percent lower risk of squamous cell carcinoma, according to research from the University of Arizona. Peels are rich in limonene—which isn’t present in the fruits themselves—that offers UV-protective benefits.

Grass-fed Beef
Beef itself is a great source of protein, packing nearly 30 grams per 3.5 ounces, but grass-fed beef is even better because it contains a higher ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids. The fatty acids reduce inflammation, while protein is the cornerstone of collagen and elastin tissue. Both collagen and elastin tissue help keep skin taut and less wrinkled. For optimum all-over health results, stick to lean cuts like sirloin and flank steak.
While it’s a great garnish, we like our Rosemary protecting our skin. A study in the International Journal of Epidemiology found that consuming four or more herbs regularly, like rosemary and thyme, was associated with a 60 percent reduced risk of melanoma. Herbs are bursting with antioxidants—and great scents—that squelch free radicals from the sun before they can damage skin.
These slimy little sea creatures are arguably the best dietary source of zinc; just six of them provide more than 500 percent of your daily requirement (and only cost 57 calories). Zinc is essential for the growth and function of skin cells, and studies have suggested that acne sufferers have zinc deficiencies.
Here we are with the protein again, but this time, it’s more about the fat. Or lack thereof. Eggs are a great source of protein without the fat that often accompanies it. Higher fat diets may contribute to the aging of skin, and a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that a 17-gram fat intake increase also increases your chances of forming wrinkles by 28 percent.
This fish is one of the best sources of vitamin B12, with 270 percent of your daily requirement. A B12 deficiency can result in hyperpigmentation and vitiligo (dark and white spots, respectively). Getting enough B12 every day can help even out your skin tone.
Greek mythology aside, this superfood basically has magical powers. Pomegranates are packed with polyphenol antioxidants which fight free radicals and regulate skin’s blood flow, making it appear naturally rosy. When applied to the skin, the antioxidants also moisturize and help smooth lines.

Bell Peppers
Or, really any green and yellow veggies. A study in the British Journal of Nutrition determined that people who eat up to 250 grams (one large pepper is about 190 grams) of green and yellow vegetables regularly had fewer wrinkles, especially around the eyes, than those who ate about 70 grams a day. Yellow peppers pack an extra punch because they contain carotenoids which can decrease the skin’s sensitivity to the sun.

You can thank your soy latte for your clear complexion. One cup of soy a day can reduce dark spots and fine lines, and improve skin elasticity. The minerals and proteins in soy help with the hyperpigmentation, while the aglycone can keep collagen from breaking down.

Sunflower Seeds
Baseball players may be doing more for their skin than they realize with this dugout favorite. Sunflower seeds are loaded with vitamin E to keep your skin supple and pimple-free, and protect its top layers from the sun. Sunflower seed oil is also great because its high essential-fatty-acid content helps dried out body parts like lips and heels. Vitamin E also enhances immune function, helping your body fight off the inflammation that leads to acne.







What’s your go-to super food?

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